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CRCM is a proud funding sponsor of EYE ON ISIS IN LIBYA, a pro-bono repository of non-partisan, cross-checked information about the development of the Islamic State’s (ISIS) offshoot in Libya as well as the other Libyan jihadi movements from which it derives and with which it occasionally competes.


The vision for this site came in 2015 as Jason Pack (its founder and CRCM's Senior Libya Advisor) was increasingly inundated with questions by Western media and governments about ISIS’ latest activities in Libya. As Jason had previously focused on Libyan history, economy, constitutional developments, and diplomacy, he struggled to answer these questions himself yet could find no repository of definitive and comprehensive information about ISIS in Libya to recommend.   


There were scholars specializing in the Muslim Brotherhood in North Africa and others with expertise about al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb or the spread of Salafism from Egypt westward, but because ISIS was such a new and dynamic phenomenon and Libya such an understudied country there were per force no experts dedicated exclusively to the study of ISIS in Libya. Out of this realization, EYE ON ISIS IN LIBYA was born. To make this dream a reality, Jason has established a team of experts who collect and disseminate information on ISIS and other jihadi groups in Libya:


Each week, this “ISIS in Libya monitoring service” provides updates in four sections:


ISIS in Action,

Western Response,

Other Jihadi Groups, and

The Anti-ISIS Coalition.


To receive this information as a weekly email, please go to CRCM's collaboration partner EYE ON ISIS IN LIBYA on and subscribe to their Newsletter.


Eye on ISIS in Libya


CRCM North Africa - EOIL Project

To monitor the expanding threat posed by the Islamic State's Libyan branch and other jihadi groups in Libya, Jason Pack, CRCM's Senior Libya Analyst, founded EYE ON ISIS IN LIBYA (EOIL) as a monitoring service detailing the group's history, its interactions with other jihadi actors, and Western actions towards the group. All information comes from local sources on the ground and is vetted by a network of academics, consultants and Western security experts.

The aim of EOIL is to provide a valuable resource for governments, think-tanks, and businesses concerned with jihadi threats and their evolution in Libya. CRCM is very pleased to be partnering with EOIL.

If you are interested in exclusive information about the development of the Islamic State’s offshoot in Libya as well as the other Libyan jihadi movements from which it derives and occasionally competes, please check out the latest reports and news from our new project LIBYAN JIHAD MONITOR, a mirror site of EOIL:

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