You can keep in touch with CRCM via Twitter. We have several Twitter accounts – choose the one that suits you, or follow them all. Our Twitter accounts help keep you up to date on the following countries:
This is our most popular account:
CRCM Libya, feel free to follow us!
You can also keep up to date with our latest news and photos on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/crcmnorthafrica
The pivotal role of Twitter in the people’s revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia in 2011 is well documented. Young people embraced the immediacy and freedom of the new social networking system to escape the constraints of censorship and the security apparatus, to organize and communicate.
The vital part that Twitter played in bringing down these autocratic regimes is already widely studied. But it has rather obscured the explosion in its use across the rest of Africa.
Twitter is, by no means, the particular tool of political activists in North Africa. It has been adopted enthusiastically by young people right across the continent who are adapting it for their far more varied daily needs.
This is why CRCM uses several Twitter accounts and our analysts check Twitter first thing in the morning to see if there's a storm brewing somewhere that might affect our coverage.